Service provided is ” Vehicle Leasing with Driver” Motor Pool has of 4 Commuters and 3 Sedan with man power 6 drivers & 1 supervisor
Objective: To meet the transportation needs of the academic such as conferences, seminars, workshops and official activities
Operates through out the week
For booking please call to 02524 5843 or 025245800 or email to callcenter@ait.ait.ac.th
Labour Pool Servcies

AIT labour pool has 2 staff
Function : Delivers LPG gas and supports accommodation to transfer furniture and equipment
Daily delivery twice in a day excluding the official holidays of AIT and can be reserved for some physical help by offices
Gas delivery Schedule :
- morning: 09:00 am to 10:30 am
- evening: 04:00pm to 05:30pm
Services of furniture or equipment transfer
Daily during working hours
For booking contact Call Center
call 025245800 or email callcenter@ait.ac.th