OFAM Units


The function of the Office of Facilities and Asset Management (OFAM) include, but not limited to the following

Building and facilities maintenance services

OFAM is responsible to maintain and manage all academic, administrative, residential buildings, and facilities, street lights, air conditioning, mechanical and electrical systems, maintains the utility distribution system and administers the construction projects, as well as ground maintenance and cleaning services in the Campus. Maintenance services include emergency and safety planning. Most of the maintenance work such as technical, landscape and ground, Janitorial, under the supervision of OFAM.

Cleaning services

Cleaning services are provided to maintain cleanliness and hygiene of both office space and residential buildings on the campus. The cleaning services are provided at all space types including academic buildings, classroom, laboratory, research, clinic, residential, administrative, cafeteria and as well as few indoor sports facilities.

Security services

Security Services protect, provide safety and support the people who live, work, study in the campus, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with an assurance of secure environment, with necessary safety initiatives, traffic and parking regulation enforcement, criminal investigations, lost and found support and 24-hour emergency accident/health support. The service is outsourced to a competent company.

Food and Auxiliary services

A wide range of local and international food is served at cafeteria and SU snack bar to serve the need of AIT international community. OFAM also manages the auxiliary services like book stores, saloon, laundry, drinking water dispensers, 24 hrs. Convenience store, Concessionaries, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. within the campus.

Call Center/Client Reception/Public relations office

Call center acts serves as the primary liaison between the campus community and OFAM staff.  All requests from the community are received by the call center and they are forwarded to the concerned service provider/unit through the Facility Infrastructure Management System (FIMS).

Conference and event support

The primary function of AIT Conference Center (AITCC) is to provide an elegant platform/space to hold major academic events such as board meetings, graduation ceremonies, academic conferences, career fairs, workshops, student union events, luncheons, dinners. AITCC also facilitates the AIT community to holds special personal events. AITCC has the facility of 117 hotel room, auditorium and several meeting rooms with dining facility and with special buffet, set menu lunch is managed by the outsourced contract specialized in the hotel industry, under the supervision of OFAM.

Facilities Management Administrative Office

The administrative office coordinates the operation of all the units of OFAM. Manages the overall operational expenses & revenue, performance assessment of contracted services operation, maintenance provisions procurement, accounts payable, interdepartmental billing, housing inventory, data acquisition, evaluation and reporting, the reporting of budget allocations and expenses, and departmental human resources.

Capital projects

OFAM plans on the future prospects and needs of the campus and accordingly initiates, consultation, selection, design, reviews. Then initiates budget requests for its approval and execution of all projected renovations, infrastructure/energy upgrades, and major building maintenance initiatives on campus.