Swimming pool booking procedure and rules to follow:
Opening time : 07:00 – 19:00 hrs.
Cleaning time: 08:30 – 09:30 hrs. *(closed for users)
Every Wednesday reserved for ladies: 13:00 – 18:00 hrs.
Method to book : (No walk-in allowed)
– Make a reservation by the email: aitccr@ait.asia, reservation@vpservice.co.th or call to reserve your slot by calling to 02-524-5250
- Information needed: Full name
Student/Staff ID
Date and Time would like to reserve
Phone number - Reserve in advance before one day
- Cancel your reservation before 1 hour from reserve time
- Swimming pool: one reservation per one person only
- Kid pool: one reservation per one family only
- The capacity of the swimming pool is 4 people / 1 hour
- The capacity of kid pool for 1 family / 2 hours
- Use only one gate to enter and exit
- We have a screening point at the gate of the swimming pool (Bathroom side) to check the temperature and the book to register
- AIT student and AIT staff please show the ID card upon arrived screening point
- In the case of fever (37.5c or more), cough, sneeze, runny nose, sore throat, or dyspnea. We will refuse entry immediately
Remark: The time of reservation per 1 hour or 2 hours, if you come late, we will not extend the time for you and time will end as the period of time you reserved.
Rules for User Swimming Pool:
– Please reserve time to swim / cannot walk-in
– Please show the student card or employee card at the screening point
– Please wear a swimming suit and follow our rules
– Please take a shower before entering the pool
– Please be on time strictly
– Don’t pee, spitting, spouting of water, and blowing nose in the pool
Please maintain social distancing and wear a mask when entering the swimming pool gate
Temperature check will be done (Not allowed if found with symptoms of fever >37.5c, cough, sneeze, runny nose, or others).
Remark: Please come on time for your reserved slot. Time will not be extended if comes late.
Please take care, stay safe, and remain healthy too.

The users are requested to strictly follow the below rules and regulations:
- The users of the pool are only the AIT community which includes AIT staff, students, and their families, the visitors at AITCC (strictly outsiders are not allowed).
- All users have to register before using the swimming pool and the swimming pool staff may also request for the AIT ID card for verification.
- Proper swimwear is required. No outerwear including cut-offs or shorts will be allowed.
- Food and beverages are not allowed in the pool.
- Bringing liquor or any intoxicating drinks is prohibited.
- Individuals intoxicated with liquor are not permitted to use the pool. Lifeguards and/or security guards have the authority to prevent intoxicated individuals from entering the pool area.
- Smoking is not permitted at the pool.
- Take a shower before getting to the pool.
- Take off shoes or slippers before entering the pool deck.
- No screaming, running, rough play, or any activity that would disturb other users and prevent general swimming.
- No spitting, spouting water or blowing nose in the pool.
- Children must be accompanied and supervised by parents or guardians at all times.
- Inexperienced swimmer must be accompanied by an experienced swimmer in the pool.
- Persons suffering from contagious diseases or those with open wounds are strictly prohibited from using the pool.
- Running and playing around the edge of the pool are not allowed as these may result in injury due to falling in the water or falling on the concrete.
- For the swimming training lesson, prior permission has to be taken from OFAM.