Drinking water facility in academic area and residential area

As part of the facility for the students and employees on the campus, AIT has provided drinking water facilities around the campus of many kinds. There are free as well as paid drinking water facilities. OFAM as part of the technical maintenance provides once a monthly operational service of all the free drinking dispensers and once every 3 months, changes the filter of the dispensers making sure that the drinking water is safe to drink and quality is maintained. Paid water vending machines are installed and maintained by the contracted vendors. OFAM also subcontracts once a year external contractors to survey and check the quality of the water from the free drinking water dispensers are safe and are maintained well.
- 26 free drinking water dispensers in the residential area
- 65 free drinking water dispensers in the academic area
- 5 paid water dispensers vending machines in the residential area
- 2 vending machine dispensers for drinking water bottles and other soft drinks
- Free drinking water dispenser at Cafeteria and SU Snack Bar
Free drinking water dispenser at Cafeteria
54 Free drinking water dispenser at academic area
22 Free drinking water dispenser in residential area
Paid drinking water vending machines
Free drinking water maintenance process
- First will stop the water supply from the incoming pipe.
- Second, Remove the Membrane filter and place the new membrane filter back. This process will do every year at once.
- Third, Post carbon Filter will replace this once and also will do it once a year.
- Next, Replace the Carbon Filter this one will do it every six months.
- Finally will add a new Resign Filter this one also will do it every six months.