AC unit cleaning service for ST10-12 and House 9-28 from 26th February – 22nd March 2018
Dear All, Please be informed that AC technicians will enter ST10, ST11, ST12 and House 9-28 for AC unit cleaning as a part of our preventive maintenance routine from Monday 26th February - Thursday 22nd March 2018 It is advisable for the tenants to store their valuables away in a safe place to prevent them from being misplaced or damaged during the process of maintenance. For AC units cleaning; if any of the tenant finds the mentioned schedule to be inconvenient, please contact call center office at 5800 to arrange for another time.

AC unit cleaning service for Dorm E, J, K, X and Y – 26th February – 6th March 2018
Dear All, Please be informed that AC technicians will enter Dorm E, J, K, X and Y unit cleaning as a part of our preventive maintenance routine from Monday 26th February - Tuesday 6th March 2018 It is advisable for the tenants to store their valuables away in a safe place to prevent them from being misplaced or damaged during the process of maintenance. For AC units cleaning; if any of the tenant finds the mentioned schedule to be inconvenient, please contact call center office at 5800 to arrange for another time.
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